The notion of a freehold property

Freehold property can be interpreted as any estate which is free from the hold of any force except the owner. Hence, the landlord of such an estate enjoys free holding for eternity and can use the land for any goals. However, it should be following local laws. Deal of a freehold property does not need authorization from the state and hence needs limited paperwork, thus, making it more expensive than any leasehold estate. A freehold condo can be inherited from one generation to another and there are no limitations on the right of the property owner to further shift the property. Moreover, there is no limitation to the absolute title of the property. This type of property is not akin to a condominium where the owner of the unit pays a maintenance payment and it can be transferred by the registration of sale treaty.
Freehold is the continuous and ultimate holding of property or land. If you own the freehold, it means that you own the building as well as the ground it stands on. Come and visit us at Avenir condo showflat and book your interest today itself. The Avenir is a freehold condo, developed in District 9 of Singapore. For more information click
Hence, when considering what sort of condominium to get, it’s best to begin by specifying the terms. Freehold property can be held by the landlord indefinitely. A 99-year leasehold property has to be reverted to the government, upon the expiry of its lease.
Meanwhile, a holdover from the Colonial period is properties with 999-year leases. But this is, for all purposes, the same as freehold. When purchasing a freehold property, you are acquiring the fullness of the land. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean you will be exempt if you are working on a project that requires scheming permission.
Advantages of a freehold condo!
Freeholds are usually the same as your houses. Here, you have comprehensive control over everything and are not subject to any additional expenditures, like ground rents, admin fees, or service charges, which can be the case with leasehold properties. When you purchase a freehold property, you can realize exactly what you’re spending, there is no connection with any other landlord, and you know you will not be accountable for any payments in the future.
There will not be any constraints like what you can do with your household (smoking, building work, and pets) as there may be with a leasehold property. There is also no time barrier to worry about- with leasehold there can be a countdown to a probably costly renewal, or a belief of reducing significance as the lease runs out, whereas buying freehold is something permanent.
How Is a Leasehold Different?
If you buy just the estate – but not the land it stands on – you own leasehold. As a leaseholder, you barely lease the right to live in a property from the freeholder, who is also cited as the landlord. And you can use the property for a limited number of years, up to the end of the lease itself. A lease which is normally for a long duration– typically lies between 90 and 120 years, but now leases can be as high as 999 years or even as small as 40 years. It’s always a good idea to check whether a property is a leasehold or freehold before you finance the idea of acquiring it.