Know How To Resolve Noise In Hydraulic Pipes

Depending on the situation, problems can be resolved with acoustic treatment or through changes to the hydraulic system. Knowing the causes is essential. Noises in hydraulic pipes. These are problems that affect the most different types of buildings. The noises originate from the circulation of fluids inside the pipes. This passage causes the pipe to vibrate, a movement that is transmitted.
To the constructive elements where the hydraulic system is fixed. “In this way, the vibration of the wall follows the same basic principle as a speaker that radiates sound. The situation can occur both in new developments and in old buildings, and in the latter, the chances end up being greater. “Some systems can show wear when a service near me checks it. Still, they were not installed, considering the acoustic comfort. Technologies have also evolved. For example, metal pipes, which, when anchored on the walls, are no longer used.
Causes Of The Problem
There are cases of noise resulting from phenomena such as water hammers, cavitation, and excessive pressure, which could be reduced through adjustments to the hydraulic design. “However, the vibe. It is a situation inherent to hydraulic systems, even those correctly dimensioned”, highlights the engineer. In other words, the sounds are not always the result of design flaws. Vibration is inherent.
To hydraulic systems, even those correctly dimensioned, the water hammer, also known as water hammer, is produced by pressure variations in the piping. Derived from sudden changes in flow (closing a valve or stopping a pump). These changes produce noise like the hit of a hammer and, in addition to the noise, the situation.
It can have more serious consequences, including damaging the piping and building elements around it. “Today, there are calculation methods to know if a hydraulic installation will suffer from this phenomenon. Some devices can be installed to avoid it, such as protection valves, reservoirs”.
Knowing the real causes of the problem is the first step towards the solution. After all, the treatment of noise from pipes is different from measures that seek to silence the environment. From outside sounds. While outside noises are propagated through the air, vibrations in the pipeline are transmitted through solid media. “Hence, there is little point using absorbent solutions. The adequate method to deal with the problem is to minimize the transfer of vibrations from the pipes to the walls. Enter the options.
Systems that avoid the rigid union between the plumbing and the construction elements stand out. “These treatments range from dampened supports to expansion joints, both elements. In addition, there are also dampened supports (hangs, supports, and clamps) that can be incorporated into the system. The best alternative will result from analyzing the system and noise by the professional specialist in acoustics, remembering that there are adequate solutions for each case. First, it must be considered. The size of the installation and the existence of noise-sensitive environments. “Then, the critical points of transmission of vibrations between the system and the construction elements need to be checked by contractors in my area.”